We walk alongside whānau supporting them to achieve their aspirations.
Oro Tuawhenua – Cancer Care Connectors
Oro Tuawhenua provides support to all whānau impacted by cancer, in ways that are mana enhancing and encourage mauri ora.
Our team understands this journey looks different for everyone, and therefore prioritise getting to know you, your whānau, and what’s important to you. Our service is tailored to your whānau and we are committed to ensuring you have access to the right information, resources, and support.
Ngā Kaihautu – Tāne Programme
Ngā Kaihautu is a ten-week programme that reaches positive Hauora outcomes for tāne through connection to Te Reo Māori.
By the end of Ngā Kaihautu, our tāne have a deeper understanding of who they are, where they come from, and have all the tools to create prosperous futures for themselves and their whānau.
Te Iho Tapairu – Wāhine Programme
Te Iho Tapairu is a ten-week programme that encourages wāhine to heal, learn, aspire, and thrive alongside one another. We create a safe space for wāhine from all walks of life. The programme is an opportunity for wāhine to strive to become the best versions of themselves.
Health Coaching
Oranga is your birthright and our purpose.
Health Coaching is delivered by the Manu Tāpiki team and is a service that supports whānau with their health and well-being goals, encourages, and motivates whānau to self-manage their health needs, and navigates whānau towards better health outcomes by coordinating the right supports to work as one team.
Health Coaching is accessible to all whānau as a self-referral or through their doctor or health improvement practitioner. The Health Coach will work with the whānau at home or in the community to identify their goals and deliver practical activities to improve their physical, mental, spiritual, and whānau well-being.
Manu Tāpiki
Manu Tāpiki is a service that provides a Māori approach to recovery, healing, and maintaining wellness.
Accessing mental health and addiction support can be challenging to navigate for whānau, especially if a Māori approach is preferred. Manu Tāpiki has a diverse team of Māori practitioners and clinicians who lead with ngākau Māori to form meaningful relationships with whānau to nurture the potential within and develop a whānau led plan to achieve well-being.
If whānau are experiencing distress, facing mental health or addiction challenges, or would like to add tools and knowledge to their kete to maintain well-being, this service is available to all whānau.
Tāpikiora delivers a range of workshops and wānanga focussing on hauora, learning, and connection. This approach offers whānau the freedom to select their packages of care that align with their interests and aspirations. All workshops and wānanga are maramataka centric, to enhance the experience and self-care journey.
Ka tū tahi tātou ki te kohikohi i te mātauranga hei oranga tinana, hei oranga wairua, kia tū tangata ai tātou. We gather to learn, to nourish, to flourish, here we stand together.
The service is available to all whānau. The workshops and wānanga can be viewed and booked through the TĀPIKIORA app.