April 2015: Janice (name changed to protect privacy) didn’t always have an easy life. At age 35, she found herself with 3 young children, few life skills and was still finding her feet after recently being released from prison.
I had been inside (prison) but really wanted to be re-integrated back into society. I needed to find myself again, rediscover who I was as a person, and rebuild the relationship with my tamariki” explains Janice. “I lost everything when I went to jail.”
“I came to understand that I had the strength to stand up for myself and acknowledge the power I had within me. Enough was enough, it made me stronger. Whānau Ora helped me to be a better mum, a wahine toa and a better parent”, Janice said with excitement.
By working with Te Arawa Whānau Ora, Janice has been able to find a home for her whānau, negotiated direct with IRD and was able to personally discuss issues with WINZ, CYF and her children’s school.
“This has been the most blessed year for me. I celebrate my children’s successes by putting all their certificates on the ‘Wall of Fame’ so I can keep myself and my children motivated”, says Janice with pride.
“My kids are happy, I am happy. My relationship with my whānau has improved greatly, we now have a strong relationship.”
Janice is introspective when it comes to what Te Arawa Whānau Ora has done for her. Saying, “for me, Te Arawa Whānau Ora is about rediscovering who I am as a person and finally realising what I can achieve because I have the strength to do it.”
Kia kaha Janice. We wish you every success on your future path. Kia maia. Kia manawanui.
Why Te Arawa Whānau Ora Works
Te Arawa Whānau Ora has been successful because it ensures whānau are able to determine their own goals and are given positive support to achieve them.
Te Arawa Whānau Ora works because it put them in the driver’s seat, they defined their own goals and made their own decisions. As a result, they will be warmer, healthier and less stressed while facing future challenges with greater strength and resilience.
Te Arawa Whānau Ora has helped over 1500 individual whānau members over the last year. If you would like to know more please contact us.