October 2014: Winsome, who was born in Te Puke and raised in Paengaroa and Maketu has always wanted to give back to her community and if the mahi she has done in the past is anything to go by, she has done well.
Prior to becoming a paeārahi, Winsome worked as a registered nurse at Maketu Hauora, an adult Mental Health registered nurse at Tauranga Hospital.
Before graduating with a Bachelor of Nursing, Winsome also spent time being a caregiver, kiwifruit grader, cleaner and knife hand and first aider at AFFCO.
This wide variety of mahi has given Winsome insight into the challenges many whanau face.
Along with being the paeārahi at Maketu Hauora, Winsome is Domestic Violence Programme Facilitator & Assessor in “He Waa Me Te Waa Mo Ngā Tane”.
When thinking about what Whānau Ora is, Winsome is introspective, saying,
“Whānau Ora to me is about helping others identify their goals and their immediate needs, giving them support to plan, and helping them to implement and fulfill their identified goals and needs.. Hence giving the whānau empowerment and independence to achieve healthier lifestyles, homes and uplift their mana and wellbeing.”