The situation was compounded because along with driving her husband to his frequent visits to the fracture clinic in Tauranga, her son and pregnant daughter-in-law had joined their bubble during lockdown, and she was supporting the daily commute to midwife appointments. She approached Te Arawa Whānau Ora, based at Maketu Health & Social Services, who assisted with pūtea to travel to appointments, packed dinners, and a grocery voucher.
“My husband had to take two-and-a-half weeks off his job delivering gas tanks, so that assistance from the Hauora was really helpful and we’re so thankful.”
Her daughter-in-law had baby during lockdown – a 10 pound baby boy and Meeshla’s first mokopuna.
“She had breast issues so the Hauora (Maketu Health & Social Services) purchased her a breast pump which helped with feeding. It was a lifesaver during lockdown because everything was closed, and we couldn’t access anything. They also provided other materials for hapū māmā, which made a big huge difference – especially for her mental health, being a first time mum. She felt more confident and it was a saving grace having those things sorted.”
Meeshla says the support from Maketu Health & Social Services during Covid-19 helped keep the family’s stress levels down when they were unsure when her husband could return to work.
“It offered stability and kept my husband and myself in check, in order to look after our tamariki during a worrying time. When we reflected on it afterwards, we were just really thankful for the peace of mind it gave us. You really don’t know what Covid-19’s about, so that sense of peace – especially when you have a mokopuna and want to stabilise a new mum and dad who are also panicking – made a huge difference for our family. We felt so blessed.”